An Inspired Anniversary

June 19, 2015

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I came up with this Walter Mitty concept last year. This is actually the point in my business when I decided to explore film. I’m not sure if you saw the movie, but my husband and I exchanged tickets to see Walter Mitty in place of a sad movie. (I just don’t do sad).

I sat in front of the screen and watched the colors and scenery move and I was mesmerized. (And completely surprised since all I knew about this movie was that it was not sad.) The skin tones, the artistry… it really was so great. But again, I think that is how film effects art; when your art really is on the line by tweaking the right settings, it causes you to slow down and consider what you’re shooting.

I did some research to make sure I did the movie justice. They shot on Kodak, so I mimicked and shot on Portra 400. I wrote down a few quotes too keep in mind while shooting. One of which appears on the photo I took of the negatives, “To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.”

Adam also holds the classified section up at one point that quotes the song Ben Stiller sings for his E-Harmony matchmaker in reference to wanting to meet Carol naturally (his office crush)… “If you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain… then you’re the love that I’ve looked for, come with me and escape”.

I also wanted to mimic their outfits somewhat. So Ashley and Adam stayed in business attire for the beginning portion and then changed into the clothes appearing in Iceland/Greenland and then the end scene outfits.

One of the very last scenes, Ben Stiller comes face to face with a friend he’s only conversed with on the phone and the friend says, “I saw you as a grey piece of paper. But now that I see you, it’s like Indiana Jones became the lead singer of the Strokes”. And I love the photo of Ashley holding Adam’s hand just behind him looking at him. ” – Michelle

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