Belle Lumière has been proudly hosting our End of the Year Awards (EOTYA) since 2013. Our goal, since the beginning, has been to create a platform for photographers to not only put their best work out there, but also a place for the community to nominate those who you think did an exquisite job at representing and supporting our industry for that year. 


Rebecca Yale | 2016 Image Of The Year Winner

 .... add Award Winning Photographer beneath your name!

Awards like Belle Lumière's are a wonderful opportunity to build your business and confidence as an artist. They help establish your credibility in the marketplace as you raise your prices and add "Award Winning Photographer" beneath your name. 

See Past Winners!

View them >>>

Some things are changing for our 2024 EOTYA, and yes we are little late this year. Lots of changes have been happening to Belle Lumière behind the scenes, so please make sure you read below before entering an image.

Our Entry & Nomination Period

The entry and nomination period will run from March 24th - April 11th.  During this time you may enter images into our End of the Year Image Contest.

You may also enter any image (as long as you have full copyright to it and it was not taken at a workshop) into our Image of the Year Awards.  Categories include Color (film), Black & White (Film), and Hybrid (digital images).  There will be a winner in each category and An Image of the Year selected by Belle Lumière and the Judges. 

Remember, everyone receives one free entry, but you are able to enter as many images as you would like.  It is $5.00 for a single additional entry, $10.00 for 3 additional entries, and $20.00 for 7 additional entries.  Again, you may enter as many images as you would like.  Each form allows for up to 7 additional entries.  If you would like to enter more, you may submit the form again.

Between April 14th - 25th the judges will review all entered images. Names are not included on images so the judges do not know who took what image.  The judges will select the top 6-10 images in each category for the community to vote on.  Finalists will be notified between April 25th - May 2nd. 

Voting will run from May 5th - May 16th. You can vote once a day. 

Winners will be announced on May26th.

Best of Luck!

- The Belle Lumière Team


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