Baby Chicks

September 18, 2013

Kelsey Strawn  |  Tyler, TX  |  |  |

At least once a month, my husband and I shoot one roll of film with our kids. It’s usually last minute with messy hair and faces. This day, being close to Easter, the kids put on their favorite outfits and played with our baby chicks. It only lasted about 10 minutes (the kids and the chicks) but I love them. Even if the photos end up in a shoe box, it will be fun to go through them again in the future. We are making an effort this year to record more days. ” – Kelsey Strawn

  1. Dave Cearley says:

    That’s a pretty amazing set of pictures for any photographer.
    Living in Tyler, hours from even a marginal concentration of creative people much less an arts community to feed your spirit it’s downright astounding. Add to it that you captured these on film borders on genius. Marvelous.

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