Peaches and Cream

December 9, 2013

Julianna Collett  |  High Prairie, Alberta, Canada  |  |  Facebook

I have always had an uneasy relationship with digital photography. It has never felt completely right to me , in fact in the beginning it felt completely wrong. Partly because I don’t like change , partly because it meant reinvesting in equipment all over again , struggling to buy the gear I wanted. In retrospect I owe digital a huge debt of gratitude . I needed the immediate feedback of that LCD screen to learn and take my photography to another level. It is not an exaggeration to say I have taken hundreds of thousands of images over the last several years and learned from my failures and successes , something I could not afford to do while getting film developed. However , to me there is something about a film image that digital cannot replicate and I long to return to. One of my goals / challenges for myself this winter is to do a film shoot every month. Slowing down and telling a story with a single roll. his session was inspired by the following quote  One does a whole painting for one peach and people think just the opposite –  that particular peach is but a detail.”  –  Julianna Collett

  1. Thank – you Lexi , what a wonderful way to start the week , I am honoured .

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